Our Story – Get Janes

Our Story

Janes were born out of necessity. My mother and two sisters are Breast Cancer Survivors, and because of that family history, I often found myself in Breast Health Centers, Radiology Departments and Women’s Clinics being vigilant about testing and exams. During those times I would sit endlessly in ill-fitting, uncomfortable and very thin hospital gowns. The women around me were in the same situation. Skinny girls were freezing and other women were falling out the front of the gown, exposed and vulnerable. Supportive staff and beautifully appointed waiting rooms paled as soon as I was asked to change into a standard hospital gown.

I feel strongly that during these stressful times, women have the right to be comfortable and feel dignified. There had to be something better and I set out to develop it. During the next 18 months I networked and interviewed nurses, patients, doctors and hospital administrators. All were very generous in sharing their ideas of what an ideal patient gown should be.

Surviving a cycle of hospital laundry was paramount. I worked with a regional hospital laundry company to test different fabric samples. As a result, Janes are extremely durable.

In October of 2012, Janes were ordered by the Breast Health Center at Women and Infants Hospital. The patients loved them and I was incredibly encouraged by the feedback. From then on, Janes began to sell throughout the country.

During that time however, I was diagnosed with Uterine Cancer. During chemotherapy, radiation and following surgery, my Jane became my best friend.

My Jane comforted me and made a difference in how I felt and how I was viewed. I regained my confidence.

My passion today is to inspire women and let them know that "it's okay to bring your own!" There are alternatives out there to the traditional patient gown.

Janes come in a cinch sack for carrying around & 2% of the profits from every Jane sold funds free mammograms for underserved women.

Whether as a gift for a friend in the hospital or needed for going through treatment...think Janes! Get your own today!

Meet the Founder

Like so many other fortunate women, I am a daughter, sister, mother, and a friend to incredible women. How lucky I am to have such a supportive network. What a thrill to think that I could make even a small difference in their lives.

After more than thirty years in the Corporate Business world and loving every bit of it, the idea of challenging myself to become a social entrepreneur was very exciting and really scary. Would I be able to put to use the best practices from my other life to create something of my very own? Could I possibly help others at the same time?  What a fabulous opportunity! 

Janes are affordable and designed for women everywhere. Janes make a positive difference in the lives of women during medically stressful times. Please ask about them at your next scheduled appointment.

Thank you so much for helping me GO FOR IT!

Sharon Linder / Founder