My Wife is Pregnant ! Now What ?
Finding out your wife is pregnant can be a very exciting and nerve wracking time. Keeping your wife comfortable during this 9 month journey is your most important task. Always remember; although challenging; The pregnancy journey between husband and wife is one that creates a stronger more intimate bond / relationship. Below is a list of the 7 things you can do right now to succeed in this partnership.
1. Celebrate & Reassure Her
Whether this pregnancy was planned or a surprise, CELEBRATE! Regardless of circumstances it is very important that the father expresses a positive attitude that caters to the wants and needs of his wife. Helping to remind your wife of the good sides of having children during discussions can keep the planning and process a happy one. Reassure your wife that you can not wait to be a father and that you will be by her side every step of the way.
2. Surprise Her With Gifts That Keep Her Comfortable
Women wearing a pre and post pregnancy nursing robe from Get Janes recommended for third trimester.
Psssst. Come Closer. We have some secrets that will keep your wife happy during each trimester. Buying her gifts designed to get through each trimester of pregnancy will be sure to keep her comfortable and happy she has you by her side. Click on the gifts listed below to visit a page to purchase.
Trimester 1 Gift:
Here are a few things to have for the first trimester:
Trimester 2 Gift:
Here are a few things to have for the second trimester:
Trimester 3 Gift:
Here are a few things to have for the second trimester:
3. Book a Doctors Appointment
Call your primary care doctor and schedule an appointment for you and your wife to attend. The first appointment can be lengthy so your wife will want you there to assist with answering questions and to keep her company.
4. Commit to New Household Responsibilities

Your wife may be amazing at working and taking care of her household responsibilities now. As she gets further into her pregnancy her overall energy levels are expected to decline. Once this starts to occur, tell your wife you are willing to take on some of her responsibilities around the house. For example; If she is always responsible to clean the floors, that may be a task not suited for a pregnant woman. Communicate that you are willing to take this task on during her pregnancy.
5. Prepare to Be A Second Priority
During this time you may not receive all the attention you are used to getting from your wife. Simply prepare yourself for this new reality and you are sure to go though this time seamlessly. It is a good idea to both agree to focus on the baby and find success in the baby's care while not putting too much pressure on her.
6. Read This !
Click to Read a great article for brand new dads to read !
7. Mark Your Due Date & Pack A Hospital Bag
Mark your due date on the calendar and keep it in mind so that you can always plan and prepare ahead. One thing you can take care of to help keep your wife calm and at ease knowing you are prepared is to Prep & Pack her hospital bag. Lucky for you we already created a list of what you need to pack in your bag by clicking here.
Get Janes offers a personal alternative to standard examination gowns or basic amenity wear. Whether you're preparing for a doctor's visit, packing a hospital bag, nursing your baby or lounging at home, everyone should enjoy the comfort and coverage they deserve.